

3M EVA works with durable bonding strength with both glass and backsheet, behaving good compatibility with almost laminators.


Main features:

√  EVA 9100: Special design for easy PV modules manufacturing and Superior PID resistance

√  EVA 9110T/9120B: Design for high-efficiency solar cell modules with higher PID resistance

√  EVA 9210T/9220B:Shortening the time of laminating and improving production efficiency

√  Enhance UV and damp heat stability

√  Higher light transmission to enhance the power output

√  Excellent dimensional  stability helps a modules quality and efficiency

√  Wide process window for easy lamination machines and fabrication




Mechanical  Property:







Optical Property:


Anti-PID Test:

3M EVA always works in improvement of Anti-PID and excellent performance. Not only does it apply to the traditional 1000V of the system, but also, does it play a superior PID resistance for 1500V of the PV system.




 Performance Data Sheet of EVA:


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